The tournament is this Sunday. 5 more days!!!!! Ah... this is the first tournament in my life. Scared and nervous but anticipating it :) Looking back, I used to watch WWE with yeye when I was a kid and was always traumatized when the players bleed. It was such a violent sport. Now I am taking part in something similar, what will my yeye say if he's still around and know about this? Hah, I don't think he will even let me take part in the first place. Or maybe he will go down to the dojo to support me and see me spar? Really misses him badly!!!! Argh!!!!!!!!!!
MA articles are piling up, from a molehill to becoming a mountaint already. I had been having insomia these few days and I thought doing MA tutorials and reading some of the articles would cure it. Don't know is it a good sign or a bad one, done with the tutorials and readings already but yet still don't feel tired at all. How I wish I can be like this during exam period. Grace suggested reading a novel and it has to be a boring one to start with. I am going to try that out tonight. The best thing is my internal alarm clock automatically rings at 4plus every morning no matter how late or early I go to bed. Tsk.
Went to catch harry potter part 1 yesterday night at JP with mummy, Jean and Josh. Nice show!!! When the Baslik revealed itself and charge at Harry, Jean shouted and grabbed Josh's jacket and he got a shock from her grab, not the snake. Lol can? Luckily I was not beside her. I experienced it once when we were flying back from Shanghai, the plane 'dropped' a little and she started grabbing my hand, I got a shock and thought what happened and both of us lost our appetite for breakfast and returned half eaten trays.
Training and more training before tournament!!! And also study harder even though UOL is the only school that is not having any papers when almost all of my friends are cramping for exams during this period of the year.
::::: Train hard, study harder :) :::::
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