I went to Austin Hills at Johor with my parents this morning. They were there to attend their AGM while I tagged along =) My mum got the guy from the reception to show us the rooms and suites.. The suites were super huge.... can fit 20 plus people. Haha. The bowling alley was closed. Thought I could spent some time to bowl while they attend the meeting. In the end I sat quietly beside them in the function room. Almost fell asleep initially but as more and more members speak up and share their view, the meeting kind of get heated up and there was so much tension and unhappiness amongst the members cos the company made decisions without asking the views from those members who are holding on to life membership. I feel that my parents were asked to go and listen more than to have their views heard. The transparency of the management's decision was questioned. I found so much similiarity between their management system and our political system. =/
Had a headache on the way back. Reached home at 4pm and went took a nap. Woke up an hour later and coughed.. coughed out some blood...I guess I got too much internal heat trap inside my body....
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