Monday, September 12, 2011

work, eat and play :)

We just had our second week of preview. On Saturday night, we were having dinner at the last coffee shop and I told Brice, I miss XinYing! We miss your presence and hope you are doing well in NZ!

Had been busy with tuition and I find myself studying again, so that I can help my students. My Saturdays and Sundays are crazy, it felt like working full-time at LM. Saturday was tuition and preview. Sunday: PSLE Science-Tuition-Preview. Marathon. Ernest was talking to a group of parents about primary school education in Singapore and he touched on languages. I was sitting at the other side of the room listening to him with two other resources when he turned to me and asked me how many new English words had I learnt recently. If not for my students, I probably wouldn't have took the effort to learn the words last week. Anyways, I owe many people a meal! Haha.

Went to Watsons sales with Kelly after preview yesterday and guess who we saw at Bugis junction?
吴尊!!!! Omg! Never seen him in person before since he got famous! This is the best pic I can capture, there were so many people and I think they shut down the water fountain just for this event. 

This is kind of out-dated, but well. We went to Marina Bay Sands on the 31st of August cos dad's voucher expires on that day itself! Haha. My little cousins came over and they just loved jumping on the beds and playing with the blankets :) 
Beatrice and Hannah, pretending to be asleep! Gabriel was running around the room with JayJay , I can't get a still pic of them!


Hannah playing with mom's scarf! 

Sept 1: Teacher's day present for Mrs Lim: Handmade cookies! Spent the whole night decorating this at MBS :)

I felt that the lid was a bit plain so I did something simple to it :) 
  Should write about my HK/Fujian trip soon. Keep a look out :)

Going to catch a movie with Kelly now! Ciao~

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