Monday, February 6, 2012


Its a vicious cycle. They did it to me, and we did it to her. 同样的处理方式,唯一不同在于受害者。人性就是那么深不可测,背后捅了你一刀,另一边有对你微笑握手,当作似乎什么事都没发生过。我一眼就看穿你们的演技,一点也不高超。曾想要原谅你们,不过一想到这份友谊随着时间,慢慢的淡化,大家渐渐的疏远(应该只是我和你们吧!),各自忙着自己的生活, 谁也不‘打扰’谁。再三的思考,好像没有什么值得我留恋的。心结也随着时间,渐渐的松开。我成功了。成功的抛开内心所有的挣扎。谢谢你们,我人生里其中一堆路人!

Now, a little update about today. Took half day leave to attend a briefing. As I walked towards the twin towers, I rummaged through my bag for my IC as I need to exchange for a visitor pass at the guard post. I couldn't find it in my wallet. I couldn't find it anywhere in my bag either. I could feel my heart beat faster as I approached the guard and ask if I could use my driving license for exchange. Thank goodness they took it and issued me a pass. Went through the screening and made it to the seminar room in time. They showed us a video and a list of jobs available. Filled-up some forms and pray hard that I get shortlisted this week. Really pray hard. I really want this job very very very much.

As I laid on the bed beside grandma's, I heard a sound. I thought I hear wrongly but it was grandma screaming, and it got louder and louder. I woke up and went to her side, calming her down. She told me someone was pulling her. She must be having a nightmare. After calming her down, I went back to my bed and fell asleep.

Caught the first episode of 995 and I like it!

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