Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Jan is gone, comes Feb now

time flies. its mid feb now and before that we were all so excited about chinese new year. tomorrow is 元宵节 already. My angbao collection is pathetic this year. Singapore needs more exciting activites other than River angbao and chingay though i must say the I am quite impressed by the grand finale of the Chingay parade. I caught it on TV, the 天灯 concept was creative, I like it. Some may say Singapore have no creativity by copying Taiwan's 天灯. But if we don't incorporate this idea into the parade, won't it be even more boring?

DD was in town the past few days and I met up with her on Valentines Day. I spent my V-day with her this year! It was a nice one. I met her at Parkway and brought her to KOI to get a drink. Went to the Peranakan Museum at katong after that. We had dinner at chinatown after she shopped for some souvenirs. I bought DKNY Be Delicious & fresh blossom roll-on perfume! The big bottle is simply too expensive for me, i can only afford the roll-on now. I like it cos i can bring it everywhere i go. It looks like those kind of duo mascara stick though. Haha. We went to clark quay after that and there were so many couples... duh, what a place to go on valentines day night! It was quite interesting to observe those couples though, we had a good laugh at some, so bad right? Muahahaha!

The one that I bought :) Made my day!
I had a terrible headache last night and I slept at 8pm till 8am this morning nd it is still hurting now. The pain was bad, the feeling is like having an invisble hammer continuously hitting on my temples. Went to see doctor and he said it was due to tension. Took the med and I am feeling sleepy now.... ....

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