I can't help it! I am going to share here why my blood keep on boiling these few days. I must simmer down, if not, I'd probably get high blood pressure soon. No good no good!
Ding-dong ding-dong for so much and it is equal to wasting everyone's time.
Read from bottom up.
Our dear Timothy
Your point is straightforward and non controversial at all.
Hope you have learnt the real-life facts and truth, and to appreciate our diligent, well meaning and conscientious Exco of Kampong Chai Chee TM Club.
This leaves you and join us in services which will benefit you tremendously, and to live out your Christian values and virtues : be salt and light with the fruit of The Spirit.
Your subject shall have this happy conclusion and lessons for you to pick up.
Warmest regards
On 22 February 2011 17:09, timothy tan wp wrote:
Dear ALL,
Thank you very much for actively participating to debate this very controversial issue.
Regardless of our very opposing positions, I respect your opinions as per, as long as yours is a sound line-of-argument, and your arguments are soundly articulated. Each side has its expectations, and every individual has certain principles to base one’s position on the issue upon. Having heard all parties, it is probably only cordial for us to agree on the disagreements.
Whatever your position is, it is has not changed the issue’s origination that I am not notified of the meeting time and again; and on those times that I did, many were usually last-minute forwarded emails.
IT HAPPENED, do something about it.
If for whatever reasons, these 6 words are too much to bear, then so be it.
P.S. I have no more to comment, so I won’t be responding anymore. Though you may continue to do so…
Thank you.
--- On Tue, 22/2/11, Andrew Kuan wrote:
From: Andrew Kuan
Subject: Re: No Meeting Notifications // Let us move forward with grace and LOVE
To: "Weiquan Liow"
Cc: "timothy tan wp"
Date: Tuesday, 22 February, 2011, 2:13 PM
Well said, Weiquan.
Hi Timothy
I shared with you those facts of life with you yesterday on the phone : come and serve, you will treasure what appointment holders put in. You will appreciate better and live a fuller life in service and grace.
It is written : it is more blessed to give than to receive. Come and be part of us in service and enjoy the journey. Let us continue the beauty of fellowship and friendship without the fear of "political animals - if there any". Political animal behaviours are deeds of the flesh.
Live out fully in LOVE, grace and thank giving in truth and in good spirit.
On 22 February 2011 13:07, Weiquan Liow wrote:
Hi Timothy,
Maybe I just offer my two cents worth of opinion on this issue.
I feel that your comparison as a customer is flawed. Although it is true that you pay a membership fee for the Toastmaster Programme, I can safely assure you that all of us did not get a single cent in renumeration of our service cause we are all volunteers. Providing a service to the club and to you can only be said to be a voluntary act on our part.
In actual fact, I feel that our club members have really put in a lot of effort to make the meeting possible. During my brief stint as VPE some time back, I understood how tough it is to get all the evaluators and the people doing the projects in place.
Perhaps what I suggest to you is to volunteer with us to experience the process. We welcome you pointing out the errors to us, but it will be better if you can volunteer with us to make our Club better.
Yours sincerely,
Wei Quan
On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 12:24 PM, Andrew Kuan wrote:
On 22 February 2011 12:00, Andrew Kuan
<> wrote:
Our dear Timothy
TI is an excellent platform where everyone plays his/her part.
Besides giving all an opportunity to learn and develop each one's communication and leadership skills, it is also an avenue for everyone to live out fruit of The Spirit : love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self discipline.
Everyone is a volunteer, there is no customer or "boss" though some assume roles and responsibilities out of grace and LOVE.
Let us soar and move forward.for greatness and friendship.
Warmest regards
Andrew On 22 February 2011 11:31, timothy tan wp wrote:
Thank you for your emails.
And also that additional phone call from Andrew.
If you do not already understand, let me clarify my premise once again.
1. First above all else, in a fee-paying membership system, an individual’s initial primary role is the Customer, then as the Member thereafter, according to this person’s participation in the system.
2. As the Customer, a person’s primary interest is in how the membership services are being delivered. That directly affects the experience of the customer as a Customer, and leading to affecting the behavior of the customer as a Member, and ending with affecting this person’s attitude and judgment of the system, first as the Customer, then as a Member.
A bad service delivery experience is a bad experience. Period…
We have all been customers of bad service delivery. You know better. A service recovery cannot be, and is never about rationalization and justification. Worse, it is suicidal of the system to say to the Customer, “Hey, regrettably this is our standards, too bad for you. Sorry... If you think you deserve better, or you can do better, why not come do it yourself”. I’m sure do not need to elaborate on the consequences.
I hope this clarifies my position. I raise the issue as the Customer. You manage the issue assuming that I am the Member. Both sets of expectations are very different.
Lastly, in a fee-paying membership system, if an individual cannot get pass the expectation of being the Customer, this person will not move on to being a Member.
Thank you.
--- On Mon, 21/2/11, Andrew Kuan wrote:
From: Andrew Kuan
Subject: Re: No Meeting Notifications
To: "- yklq"
Cc: "timothy tan wp"
Date: Monday, 21 February, 2011, 3:46 PM
Well said, YK.
Hi Timothy;
Join us and take an active role. You will benefit when you serve, esp as a volunteer.
On 21 February 2011 15:23, - yklq wrote:
Hi Timothy,
Understand where you are coming from. I have also attended several club chapter meetings which were more professionally carried out and well notified in advance.
Thank you for flagging this up.
Our club is a young club, and our appointment holders are often first-timers. When I joined the club 3 years ago, I became VPE in a few months and I can understand it's not easy to be a VPE for a new Toastmaster. The VPE needs to secure Toastmasters from other clubs to take up various duties (such as Evaluators, Toastmaster of the Day) for chapter meetings, so without an extensive network, sometimes it's tough for the VPE. It's equivalent to doing cold-calling sometimes (and we're not even trained salesmen).
Also, the VPE also tries hard not to get the same evaluators all the time. Not all Toastmasters respond to such requests promptly and as Andrew rightly points out, the club appointment holders also have their jobs/studies in the day time to manage.
Older clubs and clubs with huge membership can find duty-holders (within their club and beyond) easier. However, I share your sentiments that the club should make members feel valued and provide members with information and a conducive environment to continue learning.
Moving forward, we do hope that you give Kg Chai Chee Toastmasters club another chance. Let's move the club forward. This is a homely club and a unique one in Singapore. We shall send out notifications on project presenters and duties 2 weeks before the next meeting.
Wei Quan is also looking forward to organising public-speaking seminars as a recruitment drive. Let's give him our support.
Timothy, do continue to give us your feedback so that we can learn together. Also, you can volunteer yourself for doing projects or any duties with our VPE Wynne in advance. Hope I addressed your concerns, but if I failed to, please don't hesitate to contact me or anyone of us.
Yoong Kheong
On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 8:56 AM, timothy tan wp
<> wrote:
Hi Andrew,
Thank you for your prompt action.
Replying to your comment, instead of encourage me to "to actively engage with the club", it is perhaps more technically correct for you to encourage the club to engage its members with more regards. Given that I had been notified of the meeting only on last-minute, i.e. 1 or 2 days ahead -- and more often it was a forwarded email-- on those occasions that there was a notification sent, there was nothing much to be done already at such late notices even to attend the meeting; let alone "to actively engage with the club". You had met me serving in another club’s meeting recently. That club usually sends out its meeting notifications at least 2 weeks ahead of time, with follow-up emails requesting for volunteers to assume roles in the immediate-upcoming meeting. If with sufficient lead-time, I could do it other clubs, there is no reason I can’t do it in my own club.
This part of managing club administration is almost never covered in most General Evaluation, so it’s probably always being left to sloppy execution.
Thank you.
--- On Mon, 21/2/11, Andrew Kuan wrote:
From: Andrew Kuan
Subject: Re: No Meeting Notifications
To: "timothy tan wp"
Date: Monday, 21 February, 2011, 12:00 AM
Hi Timothy
Thanks for your note.
Am copying our VPE and exco so that you are included. Feb 2011 chapter meeting is tomorrow. Please communicate with us whenever you were/are left out.
Would encourage you to actively engage with the club so that we mutually benefit from TI platform.
Do you like to speak in March 2011 and assume some roles too ? We need more volunteers to get our chapter meetings alive and active. Your participation is most appreciated including your assuming of an Exco role in the new term - 2011/12.
This way, we will strengthen our club : we need each other so that we can manage each other needs and help one another to grow.
Warmest regards and belated LNY wishes.
On 20 February 2011 22:07, timothy tan wp wrote:
Dear Andrew,
Per my SMS.
This email is to officially file a formal complaint that I have not received any meeting notification since the last meeting I attended in Dec 2010. This is also not the first occurrence of the matter. Given that this club's membership base is relatively small, and this matter has been happening every other few months, my only inference is that the club does not value its members enough to manage its membership administration with sufficient regards.
Thank you.
Regards. |
Share with me, is your blood boiling also?
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