Saturday, January 8, 2011

a month's update all-in-one


Sorry for not updating for 1 month!
Here's a quick update of what I had been doing for December 2010:

I had a 2 weeks break from school starting from the 19 of Dec to the 2nd of Jan. But I left for Lembang, Jakarta, for the Indonesia ST camp on the 16th, missing 1 audit lecture which was on the 17th. I stay in a hotel at Casablanca on the first night with Elvina, Callena and Julien. Our hotel room was interesting, it was directly opposite a world war II memorial chapel. There was a field of white crosses that we tried so hard to figure out what they were initially. Thinking of it again makes the hair on my neck stand. We went for resource briefing the next day. They brought me to dinner at a nearby shopping mall and we drove up to Lembang that night. There was a jam in Jakarta, so we took about 3 hours to reach Lembang. The weather at Lembang was cold and chilly that night.

The camp started on the 18th. I made many new friends during the camp, mainly the resources there and a few campers. Their COE is like a mini carnival :) I got a super bad sunburn cos I forgot to bring sunblock, wth. Let the pictures do the talking:

I came back on Christmas eve night and my dad, sis and two cousins came to the airport to pick me up! So happy to see them and they slept over at my place for Christmas. Thinking back, I think we didn't countdown to Christmas last year cos I was busy unpacking my stuff and the rest of my family were doing their own stuff at the same time also. I went shopping at Vivo with Jean and SW on Christmas and I bought stuffs again. Josh cooked up a Christmas dinner at grandma's place so we went back early to feast :) Went for Dim Sum with Jean at Parkway before I met Kelly, Brice and 2Rs on boxing day(26th Dec) at Orchard for the Christmas lights! There were so many purple decorations last year along the road and I love them to the max! I think last year's Orchard lightings was the best in so many years.

Thankful for all the people here who made Christmas so enjoyable! la la la ~~~

I went cycling at Pulau Ubin with e4 gang on the 27th. We rented bikes and cycled to some pavilion to set up fire for lunch. Mass tins, maggie mee, instant mash potatoes, eggs, tuna sandwich, Campbell soup was all that we had that day. I love the chat over lunch. We went cycling again after we filled our stomachs. Upon arriving at Chek Jawa, we have to dismount from our bikes to go on foot. It was high tide at that time so we didn't get to see any mangroves. We poped a bottle of sparkling juice in the middle of the lake and drank it right there. Thank you Desmond, our Doremon of the day! There was this pretty colonial cottage at the other end of the lake and it was so well preserved. We came back to mainland at around 4 plus and headed home to prepare for that night's dinner. It was Shihui's belated 21st birthday celebration and we had pasta from Shokudo :) Really enjoyed my time with this bunch of besties! :)

After lunchpopping the sparkling juice :Dthe colonial cottagethis is a nice shot! :)viewing tower :)ShiHui's 21st birthday dinner :)

I finally printed out my 48 questions management accounting holiday package on the 28th. First week of the holiday gone and I am to complete the first 30 by school reopen and I was rushing the theory questions like mad. I swear this is the first time I work so hard for MA, cheers! Did I finish all 30 questions within the second week? Nah, I only managed to finish 12 questions. James did not check my work on Monday, he wanted us to complete them by the 17th of Jan, which is the dateline for assignment 2. An extension of 2 more weeks! Yay!

New year's eve was spent infront of the TV playing Mahjong with grandma, mum and Jean. We went to Kallang leisure park's Cold storage before that to get party food and I drove, which explains why the whole journey took more than an hour :X I almost knock an Indian man on the way back home, mum screamed in the car because of that.

The last night before school started was spent doing the MA questions. This holiday is fill with assignments (5 in total + holiday package x_x) but I had my fair share of fun when I was in Indonesia plus all the meet-ups with friends and family. I am happy! :)

School in 7 hours time. Yup, school on Sunday morning.

15 JAN is around the corner!!! (",)
I prefer spending quality time with friends for my birthday :) No need to get anything for me if you guys don't know what to get but if you insist, AngBaos do make a very good gift too!!!

So far, Friday night is booked, so is the whole of Saturday :)

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