Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Finally I've decided...

Recently this week, I have a couple of decisions to make.

I admit that I had been procrastinating too much. The questions just went round and round in my head and thinking and thinking about it is giving me too much stress and not getting me anywhere. I used to think that making decisions are very difficult cos I will think about all the pros and cons and imagine what will happen if I say 'yes' and what will happen if I do the opposite, all this is what people usually say 'think too much'. From now onwards, I shall view things that come my way as opportunities & cut down on 'running away'.

School assignments are piling up and readings are piling up too! I realised that 24 hours a day is not enough for me. But like what my sister said, 24 hours is actually enough, we just have to sleep less. True? Yes.

During Jame's lesson this Monday, he was lecturing about the drawing of graphs during exams. The correct way should be to use 1 whole full page for 1 graph, which means if there is 5, use 5 pages. Then he started telling us about how a girl and a guy will draw. Girls tend to draw very small graphs and if asked to draw 5, we will draw all 5 in one row, imagine 5 small graphs on a portrait A4 paper. And his reason being: Girls think that SMALL is CUTE. lol. The whole class laughed like crazy. Guys don't use ruler, nothing special cos that's generally what most guys do.

I wanted to buy a management accounting textbook from popular but it was sold out since yesterday. But now, I got it for free! Thanks to my sis! =)

Last Friday was spent at RWS to celebrate R&R's birthday. I think we all enjoyed ourselves very much! It was one of my happiest day so far =)

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